Wednesday, March 26, 6:30 pm | Scotiabank Theatre Toronto


Directed by Tarique Qayumi

96 min | Drama | World Premiere

Clara (42), a midwife, helps many women give birth but cannot bear a child. Under pressure from her mother-in-law, she undergoes IVF treatment. The complications lead her to choose between her life and the baby's. Finally, she cannot connect with the baby and must find love in her daughter.

Director: Tarique Qayumi
Writers: Tajana Prka & Tarique Qayumi
Executive Producer: Sushant Desai
Producers: Tarique Qayumi, Michelle Morris, Lael McCall, Tajana Prka
DOP: Leo Harim Marinda
Production Designer: Louisa Birkin
Editors: Tajana Prka & Tarique Qayumi
Music: Suad Bushnaq & Henry Mitton

Cast: Tajana Susanna Prka, Leo Solomon, Hangama, Mariam Hazhir, Stephen JF Walker, Makayla McIntosh, Kate Whiddington, Andreii Krupnyk, Asher Krohn, Youness Amaddourh, Sheela Eshan, Simone Carriere, David Malamura, Steeve Mongrain, Hilary Marie Dusome, Ryan Minaker, Melanie Chevrier.

Preceded by the short film:


14 min | Genre | Toronto Premiere

A daughter longed to accompany her father on his journey to India to bid farewell to her ailing grandmother, but was not allowed. During a turbulent car ride home after picking up her grieving father from the airport, she struggles to shield him from the weight of her silent yearning.

Director: Luvleen Hunjan
Writer: Luvleen Hunjan
Producer: Luvleen Hunjan
DOP: Susan Q Liu
Production Designer: Julia Hogg
Editor: Giran Findlay, Luvleen Hunjan

Cast: Jasnoor Sandhur, Gurbaksh Singh