Tuesday, March 25, 6:00 pm | Scotiabank Theatre Toronto


Directed by Nick Butler

101 min | Comedy | Ontario Premiere

Set in the Cloudy Falls residence, a run-down apartment complex in Niagara Falls that seems destined to be torn down, the film tells the story of a handful of its tenants, chosen at random by the narrator, Rita (Susan Berger), the building’s glib superintendent. They include Terry (Andrew Moodie), an uptight, middle-aged man who grows enamoured of the erratic, young drifter squatting next door; Brigit (Grace Glowicki), a spiritual debunker who exposes psychic frauds on her little-seen YouTube channel; Riley (Amanda Martinez), a compulsive liar whose many tall tales are starting to catch up to her; and the collection of neighbours who surround them.

Director: Nick Butler
Writer: Nick Butler
Executive Producers: Andreas Wrede, Emily Wrede, Jennifer Wrede, Martina Wrede, Meredith Wrede, Stephan Wrede
Producer: Nick Butler, Kyle Mac, Lucas Meeuse
DOP: Dmitry Lopatin
Production Designer: Joshua Turpin
Editor: Shane R. Preston
Music: Walker Grimshaw, Adrian Ellis

Cast: Grace Glowicki, Andrew Moodie, Amanda Martinez, Josh Dohy, Brennan Clost, Alex Weiner, Richard Zeppieri, Bill MacDonald, Robert Nolan, Russell Yuen, Susan Berger, Ginger Minj

Preceded by the short film:


15 min | Drama | Ontario Premiere

SLEEP TALKING is an absurdist comedy-drama that explores where our minds go when we can't fall asleep. It follows DAVID, a tired 20-something experiencing a sleepless night. He meanders into an office space—the metaphorical representation of his mind—and spends the night on menial tasks to uncover why he is unable to sleep.

Director: Ethan Godel
Writer: Ethan Godel, Filip Lee
Producer: Ryan Bobkin
DOP: Shady Hana
Production Designer: Somerville Black
Editor: Ethan Godel

Cast: Gavin Matts, Kat Khan, Brittany Howatt, Zachary Rivard, Michael Janetakes, Joshua Hendel