Saturday, March 23, 5:00 pm | Scotiabank Theatre Toronto
Directed by Dr. Jules Arita Koostachin
80min | Documentary
For generations, the suffering of residential school Survivors has radiated outward, impacting Indigenous families and communities. Dr. Jules Arita Koostachin’s deeply personal documentary WaaPaKe (Tomorrow) moves beyond intergenerational trauma, with an invitation to unravel the tangled threads of silence and unite in collective freedom and power.
Director: Dr. Jules Arita Koostachin
Writer: Dr. Jules Arita Koostachin
Executive Producers: Shirley Vercruysse
Producer: Teri Snelgrove
DOP: Michael Bourquin
Production Designer: Yolonda Skelton
Editor: Jessica Dymond
Music: Justin Delorme, Humberto Corte, Ramsay Bourquin, Kaitlyn Redcrow
Cast: Rita Okimawinninew, Asivak Koostachin, Joseph Dandurand, Maisie Smith, Jules Arita Koostachin, Pawaken Koostachin-Chakasim, Tapwewin Koostachin-Chakasim, Mahiigan Koostachin, Connor Nichol, Lynn Power
Preceded by the short film:
9min | Drama
A tattoo studio becomes the site for an emotionally charged reunion between a woman and the now-grown person she used to babysit. Twelve years after their last meeting, Kaatali is forced to contend with the expectations of someone from a different time in her life, stirring up emotions that are more than skin deep. An intimate portrayal of a chance, lopsided reunion, Aftercare touches on themes of memory, reconciliation, and the importance of children’s relationships.
Director: Anubha Momin
Writer: Anubha Momin
Executive Producers: Rodney Diverlus, Sandy Hudson, Stephanie Hooker, Natty Zavitz
Producers: Rodney Diverlus, Sandy Hudson
DOP: Maya Bankovic
Production Designer: Kyisha Williams
Editor: Maureen Grant
Music: Metric
Cast: Maika Harper, Sofia Banzhaf